Okay, in the past several weeks I’ve written about the different forms of life that exists. Now, I want to take some time to consider how this affects you.

First, I’ve already mentioned that it means that you are never alone. Your departed family and friends are able to visit you from the other side when you are in need and when you are celebrating. Some of you might be saying about now that you don’t have any loved ones who have crossed over. What you actually mean is that you don’t have anyone that you knew in the physical world that has passed on. You have lots of family members who died before you were born who can still be a part of your life, who love you and want to be there for you.

Three of my four grandparents crossed over before I was born. They still visited me. They helped me through some rough times. And they were there to enjoy the good times with me. Now, I know that I have the advantage of not only knowing that they are there, but I’m also able to easily perceive and communicate with them. However, you can learn from experience. Your loved ones are with you whether you are aware of them or not. Their love is flowing to you building you up when you are down and raising you higher when you are doing well.

Second, healing and spirit communication takes spiritual energy to perform. While it’s true that a certain amount of spiritual energy comes from within, the rest comes from outside of you. Where does it come from? Spirits.

Only a spirit is able to produce spiritual energy. Fortunately there are billions of spirits all around you all the time. There are the spirits of other people, of animals, of plants and of the Earth. On top of that, there are the spirits of all the people, animals and plants that have passed over. All of them are producing a spiritual energy. Now, while it’s true that not all of these spirits are around you all the time, enough are present that you have a vast “reservoir” of spiritual energy available.

Where does this reserve of energy come from? A spirit produces spiritual energy to give life to a body. However, most spirits produce more energy than they need and that extra energy is emitted out into the world. That is the energy that we tap into to use our spiritual abilities.

Finally, there is the deeper insight that all of these different kinds of spirits are all working to achieve oneness with God. They are doing so in ways that would be totally foreign to our understanding. So, you cannot judge a lion’s spiritual development, for example, as you would a human’s.

A lion hunts prey to survive. This may seem savage, but there are lions that begin eating before the prey is dead and others that make sure that it’s dead first. Is this a sign of different levels of spiritual development? It could be.

Some plants give nutrients to other plants during droughts while other plants steal nutrients to kill off competitors. Is this a sign of spiritual development? Or is it simply the result of evolution and has nothing to do with where the plant is in its spiritual development?

The point is that we must learn to not place our interpretations on other species and their spiritual development. They are growing. Some day they, too, will achieve true harmony with God. Knowing that we are all on the same spiritual journey, but following our own paths, is an important lesson to learn and accept. Such an understanding leads to tolerance.

For example, I have nothing against other people’s religions. They are following the path that is right for them. I would not denounce or seek to convert others. (Let me pause and add a note to that statement. If someone’s religion is hurting them or others, such as a cult or some so-called religions that teach violence toward others, then those I will denounce.) Spiritualism knows that forcing someone into your religion is not good for them and can actually retard their unfoldment.

Having said all that, I do know that there is a need to gather together with like minded people and share a common belief. Simply finding a group that not only acknowledges and accepts spirit communication but that actively develops the ability to can be life changing for many people who have always felt like outcasts. Having morals leads to peace. Having a system of belief brings a sense of direction to life. All of these things are important and why people need to find the path that works for them.

There is one more form of life that I want to conclude this journey with, and oddly it’s one that many people don’t consider. God.

God is a living entity. God is the Infinite Spirit that gives life to everything. God is always present in your life. God produces spiritual energy that you can tap into. God gives you strength. God raises you up higher than you thought possible. God watches over your spiritual development and that of all life.

So the next time that you feel lonely know that you are not. There is life all around you.

Joe Mauriello © 2013